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Visual artist and contemporary dancer from the Mediterranean, Margherita Isola lives and works on an itinerant basis, currently in Barcelona. She mixes a set of practices and media: textile art, embroidery, performance, dance, collage, installation, public art and community works.

Isola addresses issues related to migration, colonialism, feminisms, capitalization of Gaia, interspecism, in order to rethink new forms of coexistence and interconnection which puts life at the centre.

Her work, often traversed by autobiographical tensions and  by the shadows of Western culture, understands the artistic creation as a micro-political process, a therapy, a subjective and collective  experience which allows us to rename our being-in-the-world.

In synergy with her artistic practice, she has gained experience in social and educational fields and as a corporal therapist.



. Empact Artistic Residency, Espacio Rojo, Madrid, 2023

. Art Research grant at La Escocesa, Barcelona, 2021
. Community Art Awards UNZIP, Barcelona, 2021
. Awards Premis Barcelona 2020, Barcelona City Council
. Artist in Residence at FAAP,  São Paulo, 2017
. Artist in Residence at Centro Coreografico,

Rio de Janeiro, 2016
. Art Contest, Art prize for Young Artists, Brussels, 2010


30.03-15.05.2024-Embrace Empathy- Exploring the Spectrum of Understanding, Vorres Museum, Greece

27. 03 -16 .06 .2024-  Fluxos (in) Fluxo: Transitoriedade, Migração e Memória,  Centro de Arte Helio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro

19.04 - 24.05.2023, Guerrilla Drugstore- Punto Sabias, comunity art project, Museum CA2M, Madrid

18.03. - 9.04.2023, Utopicalipse, group exhibition, Funarte, São Paulo
2.7.2022 - 2.4.2023, Huerta Hertz, site specific project, Historical Botanical Garden of Barcelona
4.02.2022 - 18.03.2022, Fluchtpunkt/Vanishing Point, collective exhibition at Tangent Project gallery, Barcelona
4.08.2021 - 29.08.2021, Revolucionary Herbarium, solo show at National Museum of Natural History and Science, Lisbon
26.11.2020 - 2.4.2021, Plaga, Centre d'Estudis i Documentació, Museo MACBA, Barcelona
6.3.2020 - 3.4. 2020 , Lucha como un brezo, solo show, Tangent Project Galery, Barcelona
31.1.2019 - 31.3.2019, Untitled Migrant, solo show, Museum of Lace &Fashion, Brussels
1.9.2018 - 20.10. 2018, Contextile-Contemporary Textile Art Biennial, Guimaraes, Portugal
30.10.201 - 2.12.2017, Aqui bem ao Sul, collective exhibition in the frame of BienalSur, FAAP, São Paulo
1.9.2016 - 1.10. 2016, Hamlet in Harar, solo show, Galeria ICG, Niteroi
3.10.2013 - 20.10.2013, Shape Open Exhibition - collective exhibition, Nunnery Gallery, London
12.3.2014 -  29.3.2014, Shape Open Exhibition - collective exhibition, Lewisham Arthouse, London
27.4.2013 - 8.6.2013- Arte, uma politica subversiva- Homenagem à Zuzu Angel, collective exhibition, Tech Art Lab, Antica Fabrica Bhering, Rio de Janeiro
1.7.2010 - 30.7. 2010, International Biennial of Young Art, Moscow
7.5.2009 - 25.7.2009, Dress code, collective exhibition, ISELP, Brussels

12.3.2009 - 9.4.2009, Rotte Metropolitane, collective exhibition, Villa Romana, Florence
6.10.200 - 4.11.2007, Identities- Guerrilla Girls and Young Italian Artists, collective exhibition, MACN, Monsummano Terme, Italy


2023, Contact Drawings, Fundació Valvi, Girona // Sala Coll Alas, Gandia.

2023- 2022, Pacha Manas, Reading Performance, Bienal de Mujeres en las Artes Visivas
2020, Contact Drawings, WAC Festival, Barcelona
2011, The mirror dancing walk , CharleroiDanses Biennial

+ Grace Exhibition Space, New York
2011, Inevitable, White Night Brussels, Beursschouwburg, Brussels

2011, Fucking Voodoo, Design Center De Winkelhaak, Antwerp


2023- 2020, Pacha Manas, by Marina Alegre and Margherita Isola in collaboration with Goethe Institute,  São Paulo
2017, Half of a house, performing art projet by N.O.W, Festival Fabbrica Europa, Firenze
2015, Corpos Impares, co-creacion together with Cia Pulsar, Centro Coreografico, Rio de Janeiro
2001, Le Plateau de l'Umanitée, Biennial of Venice. Choreographies by Carolyn Carlson performed by the dancers of Accademia Biennale Danza Venezia

Photo: Morena Bellini
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