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A project by Younes Zarhoni & Margherita Isola
Historical Botanical Garden of Barcelona

00:00 / 06:06

To listen to other poliphonic compositions:

Huerta Hertz is an immersion experience in the Historical Botanical Garden of Barcelona, rediscovering this green area of the city by exploring the plants that live there. Many of them are from the Mediterranean and play a prominent role in the collective imaginary of the region, whether in literature, religion, folklore or politics.

Huerta Hertz can also be read as an archeological reflection on the Mediterranean soul; a multi-layered exploration seduced by interdisciplinary tools, in this case the botanical, the textile art and a musicological research focused on the polyphonic songs of the region. Each plant inspires a short interspecies fiction and a healing music practice; both allow us to rethink ways of understanding and weaving interconnections beyond time and space.

The visitor experience is an autonomous route that is accompanied by a mobile application that includes a map of the garden, a musical audio guide, embroidery and texts.

By rooting ourselves in this interconnection and by lending an ear to plants, other perceptions of the Mediterranean Sea become possible. A multi-voiced and a common sea rather than a territory where privileges and borders have to be defended. Huerta Hertz is an invitation to make this transformation happening.


Concept: Margherita Isola & Younes Zarhoni
Embroidery & interespecies fiction: Margherita Isola
Composition ,performance music & sound: Younes Zarhoni
Layout: Joseph Charroy
App developers: Marek Pivovarnik & Nuria Lopez

Thanks Airy Gras Mas, Claudia Ventola, Piluca, Edurne Rubio, Xefo, Jermaine Brown, Aida Franch.
A special thanks to the Botanical Istitute and the Historical Botanical Garden, in particular to Teresa Garnatje and Lina Ubero for their support and collaboration.

Huerta Hertz has been supported by Barcelona 2020 Awards from Barcelona City Council.

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