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Fabric, embroidery, medicine plants // 200 cm x 220 cm
Centre d'Estudis i Documentació, Museo MACBA, Barcelona

Revolutionary Herbarium is a miscellanea of ethnobotanical drawings about medicinal plants that, because of their therapeutic principles, have been deliberately forgotten, invisibilized, capitalized or removed from circulation to defend interests of pharmaceutical lobbies. Ancestral plants which are extremely contemporary in relation to diseases that can prevent and cure. The herbarium is on fabric and embroidered sewing the plants' seedlings. The hand-made infuses an anti-modern force with explicit references to the ancient codes and the sacred textile art of indigenous peoples, such as the Shipibo who work with weaving and medicinal plants.
The herbarium is conceived as a work in progress, to be enriched through the time, with new pages and with new plants from different natural contexts; Brasil, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Spain…

Revolutionary Herbarium has been shown at CED- MACBA Museum, Barcelona and at the National Museum Nacional of Science and Natural History of Lisbon

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