Thanks to the support of the Intituto Ramon LLull, Barcelona
“Je est un autre”
A. Rimbaud
Untitled Migrant is a chant about migration and its heroes, realized thanks to the participation of a group of migrant people living in São Paulo and Lisbon.
The installation is composed by an affective migrant cartography and a series of lithographs, made on fabric. The entry of visitors to the exhibition space is barefoot, as a minimal experimentation of openness to vulnerability related with the migrant experience.
The Affective Migrant Cartography
40 embroidered pieces of clothes, lithographs and digital prints on paper
The cartography is made by fragments of images and words, and it involves in the process some migrants living in São Paulo and Lisbon.
I used the migrants' clothing as support for the cartography, embroidering their testimonies and experiences, following these axes of dialogue:
. The house we live vs imaginary home
. Sensing migration following a subjective geography
. Reaching a horizon: motivations, difficulties and dreams
More than a documentary narrative, the cartography reveals intimate and personal aspects of the migrant experience, highlighting together with the difficulties and precariousness that often accompany migration, the richness of culture and living experience that each migrant brings with him or her.
The cartography - installed on the ground- serves as a base for visitors to move freely in the space through these fragments of migrant life.
The original archive of the cartography made by the migrants during our meetings is installed on a pedestal, to tribute their participation, and facilitate the understanding of the cartography.
The Lithographs series
12 lithographs on fabric, lace, embroidery
The installation incorporates a series of lithographs, which together compose a possible worldwide migratory landscape reflecting the relationships between migration, colonization, wars, dictatorships, famines, and climatic disasters. The iconographic repertoire of lithographs emerged from the encounters with migrants as well.
Untitled Migrant was produced thanks to the support of Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation- São Paulo and shown in a solo exhibition at Musee de la Mode et Dentelle-Brussels, and at Contextile Contemporary Textile Art Biennial- Guimaraes